Summerland Montessori French Program

Summerland Montessori offers a unique early French program for all students. Our children receive daily instruction beginning in Junior Kindergarten. Many of our students have gone on to the French immersion programs in the middle schools, successfully integrating all that they have learned from this early exposure.

At SMS, Marie-Line Collis teaches children daily French utilizing “The Accelerative Integrated Methodology” (AIM), which is an active second-language approach that aligns very well with the Montessori philosophy and allows even very young students to rapidly develop fluency skills. AIM is designed to parallel a first language learner’s natural language acquisition. In this method, all types of learners are supported as there is an emphasis on kinesthetic, auditory, and visual acquisition of the language through use of stories and drama with music and dance. As a result, in the French class, the students are active participants, engaged and proud of their accomplishments.

Children coming into SMS in the upper grades will attend an accelerated beginner class in order to hep them catch up with the program. A DVD supporting the program will be sent home with the students so that they can review and practice the vocabulary on their own.

“The highly participatory and active learning environment in an AIM classroom ensures students of all abilities and learning styles are supported.”

Read more about AIM Language Learning