Communicable Disease

SOMSS Communicable Disease Prevention Plan


The Summerland Montessori Communicable Disease Prevention Plan can be read and downloaded here.

Student & Staff: What to do if you’re sick?

Students, staff, and other adults within the school should follow public health guidance, BCCDC guidance, and/or the recommendation of their health care provider when they are sick.

Staff, children, or other persons can attend school if their symptoms are consistent with a previously diagnosed health condition (e.g., seasonal allergies) or symptoms have improved enough to where they feel well enough to return to regular activities and their fever has resolved without the use of fever-reducing medication.

Staff, students, or other persons who are exhibiting new symptoms of illness (including symptoms of COVID-19 or gastrointestinal illness) should stay home and follow the BCCDC COVID-19 guidance:

Staff, children, or other persons in the school setting who test positive (or suspect they have COVID-19) for COVID-19 should follow the guidance on the BCCDC website as to how long they should self-isolate. They can return to school when they no longer need to self-isolate as long as symptoms have improved, and they are well enough to participate in regular activities. (ie. No fever or gastro symptoms for 24 hours, without the use of medicine.)